Friday, December 17, 2010

A Presence A Day: Homemade Candy Dish: Day 11

How does this look?

1997 “Good Thing” feature from Martha Stewart

Want to make it? YES?  OK!  The tutorial is here!  Thanks goes to Keen Inspirations and Creations!

Keen Inspirations and Creations made this!

This lovely dish is great for entertaining.  Entertaining is mentioned in the Bible too (nice segway, huh?)!

Heb 13:2  Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Now, I always assumed this meant to have company over and be a gracious host.  This verse could include that assumption....BUT the verse is bigger than that...

Being a preacher's wife, I have been more open to people than I ever have in my life.  When I say "open"  I  mean that I really listen and I try (don't always) to put myself in their see where that person is coming from.  There are countless times that I have had "encounters" with people that have helped me spiritually. I hope I have returned the favor and have helped them too!  Help people, not just family...I know family is important, don't forsake them, BUT there is a SPIRITUAL FAMILY also.  How often do you entertain your SPIRITUAL FAMILY?  If you don't even know what I am talking about, you may be estranged! 

Do you donate clothes to a charity (Goodwill, St. Vincent De Paul, Good Samaritan)

Do you help stock the food pantries in the community (Grayson has very low donations this year!)

Do you visit nursing homes?  I haven't in a while, but we are going to get back to it.

Don't only use your home to entertain angels (although this is VERY important as an example for your children to follow) but every activity in your day could be used to help others.  Also, when you do help someone, don't look for instant gratification....actually, don't look for any reward.  Do your alms(deeds) in secret and your father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly (hint: your reward may not be monetary!).  Jesus helped us all, and his reward was the cross. So carry your cross, and use Jesus as your example.

In a traffic jam?  pray to God and get the cobwebs out of your spirit (not judging, if you pray all the time lift me up too!). 

Nasty coworker?  Something has happened to them (probably something very bad) that has shaped them.  Put your spiritual glasses on.  There was a phase in my life that I always tried to be as Jesus and I would try to "see" them as Jesus would....It was a rewarding time...I need to do it again...

Kids acting rude, rebellious, and ungrateful?   How did YOU act at their age..Understand where they are at and talk WITH them not AT them...Then after you have bonded, DISCIPLINE them (they may have had a bad day, but they need to know that disrespecting parents is never tolerated --take phones, computer time, and games away as examples)

Disconnected from your BETTER HALF?  Pray together. If he/she refuses, YOU pray!  God can change your heart.... You may think that God needs to help your spouse in a certain area but he may be wanting to change you.  Pray to him to find out.

We all have the choice everyday to entertain strangers....what will you do with it?

God bless your Christmas!

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