I wanted to spread my wings with this blog * A Butterfly In My Stomach* for crafting, repurposing, reinventing, thrifting, cooking, and any other compulsion that flys by! I have tried to stay away from crafting but the need to beautify my home and the total lack of funding for this has revived my love to craft. So when I get a butterfly in my stomach (you know that swirly feeling right in the pit of your being ), I just take off. I study out a project in my mind (who writes anything down, anyway?)for days or weeks at a time and then I just do it. My chaos and compulsions make for a creative journey.
God has a wonderful journey for us all...(I remind myself *and sometimes he reminds me* that I have to open my spiritual ears to hear him). God bless you all on your journey too!
Thanks for following the journey with me and may God bless you richly (not monetarily)!